布雷耶法官称 2022 年多布斯裁决泄密是“不幸的”,他拒绝讨论堕胎问题上的司法妥协。 2022 Dobbs ruling leak called "unfortunate" by Justice Breyer, who declined to discuss justice compromises on abortion access.
前最高法院法官斯蒂芬·布雷耶称推翻罗伊诉韦德案的多布斯裁决的泄露“不幸”,并拒绝讨论法官之间可能的妥协。 Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer called the leak of the Dobbs ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade "unfortunate" and declined to discuss potential compromises among justices. 布雷耶表达了妥协的希望,但没有透露有关限制堕胎机会的可能讨论的任何细节。 Breyer expressed hope for compromise but did not reveal any details about possible discussions on limiting abortion access. 2022 年的泄密事件扰乱了首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨 (John Roberts) 和大法官布雷特·卡瓦诺 (Brett Kavanaugh) 之间潜在的中间立场。 The 2022 leak disrupted a potential middle ground between Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.