密歇根州的父母在他们 5 岁的儿子用存放不当的枪支开枪自杀后面临指控。 Parents in Michigan face charges after their 5-year-old son shot himself with an improperly stored gun.
11 月 7 日,在密歇根州韦斯特兰,一名 5 岁男孩在家中意外地用未固定的枪支开枪自杀。 In Westland, Michigan, a 5-year-old boy accidentally shot himself with an unsecured firearm at home on November 7th. 由于不安全的环境,他的父母蒂莫西·格雷维尔 (Timothy Gravel) 和希瑟·勒布朗 (Heather LeBlanc) 被指控犯有枪支储存罪。 His parents, Timothy Gravel and Heather LeBlanc, were charged with firearm storage offenses due to the unsafe conditions. 密歇根州法律要求,如果有未成年人在场,枪支必须安全存放。 Michigan law mandates firearms be securely stored if a minor is present. 父母面临 50,000 美元和 25,000 美元的保释金,并计划于 11 月 21 日和 27 日出庭。 The parents face bond amounts of $50,000 and $25,000 and are scheduled for court appearances on November 21st and 27th. 这是密歇根州今年发生的第七起此类悲剧。 This marks the seventh such tragedy in Michigan this year.