泰国央行可能会在四月份调整中性利率立场。 Thailand's central bank may adjust its neutral interest-rate stance in April.
泰国央行可能会在四月份的货币政策委员会会议上调整中性利率立场。 Thailand's central bank may adjust its neutral interest-rate stance in April during its Monetary Policy Committee meeting. 助理行长皮蒂·迪斯亚塔 (Piti Disyatat) 表示,在审查经济增长的任何结构性拖累之后,政策制定者将权衡重新调整的必要性。 Assistant Governor Piti Disyatat said policymakers will weigh the need for recalibration following a review of any structural drags on economic growth. 尽管经济正在复苏,但由于经济指标持续疲弱,一些经济学家预测四月份将降息。 While the economy is recovering, some economists predict a rate cut in April due to persistently weak economic indicators.