在美国主要城市,得克萨斯城市达拉斯、阿林顿和沃斯堡在前50名,收入需要增加才能舒适地生活,而底特律尽管运输费用高昂,却对预算有利。 Income needed to live comfortably rises in major US cities, with Texas cities Dallas, Arlington, and Fort Worth in top 50, while Detroit is budget-friendly despite high transportation costs.
GOBankkingRates的一项研究表明,在美国主要城市,舒适生活所需的收入正在增加,5个得克萨斯城市位居前50位。 A GOBankingRates study reveals that the income needed to live comfortably is rising in major U.S. cities, with five Texas cities among the top 50. 达拉斯需要 93,000 美元,阿灵顿需要 92,000 美元,沃斯堡需要 90,000 美元。 Dallas requires $93,000, Arlington $92,000, and Fort Worth $90,000. 该研究强调利用50/30/20方法管理开支的预算编制。 The study emphasizes budgeting using the 50/30/20 method to manage expenses. 底特律虽然运输成本很高,但最有利于预算的城市却名列前茅。 Detroit stands out as the most budget-friendly city, though it has high transportation costs. 总体而言,城市生活费用正在增加,特别是在得克萨斯州。 Overall, urban living costs are increasing, particularly in Texas.