KiwiRail 完成了 Papakura 和 Pukekohe 之间的铁路网络重建,轨道将关闭至 2025 年 1 月中旬。 KiwiRail completes rail network rebuild between Papakura and Pukekohe, track remains closed until mid-January 2025.
KiwiRail 将完成帕帕库拉 (Papakura) 和普基科希 (Pukekohe) 之间的铁路网络全面重建,同时轨道仍处于关闭状态以进行其他改进工作。 KiwiRail will complete a full rail network rebuild between Papakura and Pukekohe while the track remains closed for other improvement work. 耗资 4.19 亿美元的扩展架空电力项目已按计划完成,但赛道将保持关闭状态,直至 2025 年 1 月中旬。 The $419m project to extend overhead electricity was completed on schedule, but the track will remain closed until mid-January 2025. KiwiRail 首席资产开发官 David Gordon 表示,重建的目的是为公众提供良好的结果。 The rebuild aims to provide a good outcome for the public, according to KiwiRail's Chief Asset Development Officer David Gordon.