热那亚拆除了已有 50 年历史的燃煤电厂,为 Dairyland 的可再生能源扩张铺平了道路。 50-year-old coal-fired plant demolished at Genoa, paving way for Dairyland's renewable energy expansion.
Dairyland 电力合作社拆除了位于热那亚已有 50 年历史的燃煤电厂,标志着向可再生能源生产的重大转变。 Dairyland Power Cooperative has demolished its 50-year-old coal-fired plant at Genoa, marking a significant transition to renewable energy production. 该工厂使用炸药拆除,随后进行清理和废钢回收。 The plant was dismantled using explosives, followed by cleanup and scrap steel recycling. Dairyland 计划在未来十年内将可再生能源比例增加到 50%,同时评估热那亚工厂的潜在经济发展机会。 Dairyland plans to increase its mix of renewables to 50% within the next decade, while assessing potential economic development opportunities for the Genoa site.