《Shark Tank》的凯文·奥利里 (Kevin O'Leary) 批评纽约州检察长利蒂西亚·詹姆斯 (Letitia James) 对特朗普的诉讼。 Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary criticizes NY AG Letitia James' lawsuit against Trump.
《创智赢家》的凯文·奥利里批评纽约总检察长利蒂西亚·詹姆斯对前总统唐纳德·特朗普的诉讼,称其为“对美国的攻击”。 Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary criticized New York Attorney General Letitia James for her lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, calling it an "attack on America." 奥利里表示担心诉讼和潜在的资产扣押可能对美国经济和财产权产生负面影响。 O'Leary expressed concern that the lawsuit and potential asset seizures could negatively impact the US economy and property rights. 特朗普的律师表示,他们无法获得上诉所需的 4.54 亿美元保证金。 Trump's lawyers have stated that they are unable to secure the $454 million bond required for an appeal.