新西兰伙伴关系旨在更好地支助丰多湾受援助不足的退伍军人。 New Zealand partnership aims to better support underassisted veterans in the Bay of Plenty.
新西兰退伍军人事务和毛利人保健提供者Te Puna Ora o Mataatua合作,更好地支助在丰多湾的退伍军人,其中许多人没有得到足够的援助。 New Zealand's Veterans' Affairs and the Māori health provider Te Puna Ora o Mataatua have partnered to better support veterans in the Bay of Plenty, many of whom have not been receiving adequate assistance. 合作旨在查明未登记的退伍军人,改善获得保健和社会服务的机会。 The collaboration aims to identify unregistered veterans and improve access to health and social services. 这一倡议可以作为新西兰未来政府-iwi伙伴关系的样板。 This initiative may serve as a model for future government-iwi partnerships in New Zealand.