2月份,麦觉理湖带领新南威尔士州开展了海上搜救任务,完成了73项任务。 Lake Macquarie led New South Wales in marine search and rescue missions in February, completing 73 tasks.
2月份,麦觉理湖在新南威尔士州的海上搜救任务中处于领先地位,完成了73项任务,占亨特和中央海岸地区所有救援任务的一半以上。 Lake Macquarie led New South Wales in marine search and rescue missions in February, completing 73 tasks, more than half of all responses across the Hunter and Central Coast regions. 新南威尔士州海洋救援队 2 月份的 46 个单位将 918 人送回岸边,完成了 440 次搜救任务,其中包括 141 次紧急响应。 Marine Rescue NSW's 46 units returned 918 people to shore in February, completing 440 search and rescue missions, including 141 emergency responses. 委员 Alex Barrell 强调了在这种情况下穿戴救生衣、留在船上以及发出求救信号的重要性,因为 60% 的事故涉及机械、燃料或电池问题。 Commissioner Alex Barrell emphasized the importance of wearing life jackets, staying with one's vessel, and making a distress call in such situations, as 60% of incidents involved mechanical, fuel, or battery issues.