当局正在对分散在南卡罗来纳州森林中的人类遗骸进行调查。 Human remains scattered in a South Carolina woods are being investigated by authorities.
上星期在南卡罗来纳州兰开斯特县贝瑟尔路附近一个林木地带,一名公用事业工人发现了遗骸。 Human remains were discovered in a wooded area off Bethel Road in Lancaster County, South Carolina, by a utility worker last week. 这些遗骸散布在大约100码处,据信已经存在多年。 The remains, scattered over about 100 yards, are believed to have been there for years. 兰开斯特郡治安官办公室和兰开斯特郡验尸官办公室等当局正在法医人类学家的帮助下进行调查。 Authorities, including the Lancaster County Sheriff's Office and the Lancaster County Coroner's Office, are investigating, with help from a forensic anthropologist. 死者的身份不明,官员正在要求公众提供有助于调查的任何信息。 The identity of the deceased is unknown, and officials are asking the public for any information that could aid the investigation.