Google在AI教育上投资120M元, 以缓解职业恐惧, 制定全球政策。 Google invests $120M in AI education to ease job fears and shape global policies.
Google正投资1.2亿澳元, 教育工人和公众了解AI, Google is investing $120 million to educate workers and the public about AI, aiming to shape policies and ease fears over job displacement. 该公司通过“与Google一起成长”倡议,向100多万用户提供培训和证书,重点是技术驱动的就业市场的技能。 Through its "Grow with Google" initiative, the company offers training and certificates to over a million users, focusing on skills for a tech-driven job market. Google还推动建立公私伙伴关系,并与全球各国政府接触,以影响AI政策。 Google is also pushing for public-private partnerships and engaging with governments globally to influence AI policy.