新西兰气候解放组织敦促基督城市议会将游轮排放纳入排放目标。 Climate Liberation Aotearoa urges Christchurch City Council to include cruise ship emissions in emissions targets.
新西兰气候解放组织将向基督城市议会发表讲话,敦促他们将游轮排放纳入该市的排放目标和减排计划。 Climate Liberation Aotearoa will address Christchurch City Council, urging them to include cruise ship emissions in their city's emissions targets & reduction plan. 他们认为,从经济上来说,游轮是有害的,乘坐飞机入境的游客的花费会增加三倍。 They argue that economically, cruise ships are detrimental & tourists flying in would spend 3x more. 该组织还呼吁将国际航运和航空的排放纳入国家和地方政府的目标和计划,并禁止游轮驶入峡湾等敏感地区。 The group also calls for emissions from international shipping & aviation to be included in national & local governments' targets & plans, and for a ban on cruise ships in sensitive areas like Fiordland.