新西兰气候解放组织抗议盛世公主号游轮,敦促乘客解决环境破坏问题。 Climate Liberation Aotearoa protests against Majestic Princess cruise ship, urging passengers to address environmental damage.
新西兰气候解放组织抗议盛世公主号游轮,呼吁乘客正视环境破坏。 Climate Liberation Aotearoa protests against Majestic Princess cruise ship, urging passengers to confront environmental damage. 该组织在十二天内开展了五次行动,针对的是达尼丁、基督城和惠灵顿的乘客。 Group has conducted five actions in twelve days, targeting passengers in Dunedin, Christchurch, and Wellington. 他们旨在呼吁减少国际航运和航空排放、取消游轮补贴以及禁止游轮进入敏感自然区域。 They aim to lobby for international shipping and aviation emissions reduction, ending cruise ship subsidies, and banning cruise ships from sensitive natural areas.