在南非鳄鱼溪主题公园的示威活动中,15 英尺长的鳄鱼汉尼拔咬伤了训练员,导致腿部受伤。 15-foot crocodile Hannibal bites handler during demonstration at South Africa's Crocodile Creek theme park, causing leg injury.
南非鳄鱼溪主题公园的一名鳄鱼驯养员在一次示威活动中遭到一条 15 英尺长的鳄鱼袭击。 A crocodile handler at South Africa's Crocodile Creek theme park was attacked by a 15-foot crocodile during a demonstration. 饲养员在向数十名参观者展示时,被名叫汉尼拔的爬行动物咬伤了双腿之间。 The handler, giving a display to dozens of visitors, was bitten between the legs by the reptile named Hannibal. 这名训练员腿部严重受伤,被送往医院缝针。 The handler sustained a serious leg injury and was rushed to the hospital for stitches. 该事件引起了人们对违反协议的担忧,因为员工在示威期间必须有另一名同事在场。 The incident raised concerns over protocol violations, as employees are required to have another coworker present during demonstrations.