一名妇女在印度尼西亚棕榈油种植园工作时,被鳄鱼杀死。 A woman was killed by a crocodile while working on a palm oil plantation in Indonesia.
一名44岁的妇女在印度尼西亚西加里曼丹棕榈油种植场工作时被鳄鱼杀死。 A 44-year-old woman was killed by a crocodile while working on a palm oil plantation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. 袭击发生时,鳄鱼咬了她的左手,将她拖进沟渠。 The attack occurred when the crocodile bit her left hand and dragged her into a ditch. 尽管她的同事为救她作出了努力,但她的尸体在90分钟后仍被发现,仍被鳄鱼抓着。 Despite her colleague's efforts to save her, her body was found 90 minutes later still in the crocodile's grip. 鳄鱼袭击人类在该地区并不少见,那里的棕榈油种植园侵占了热带雨林地区。 Crocodile attacks on humans are not uncommon in the region, where palm oil plantations have encroached on rainforest areas.