诺斯菲尔德山抽水蓄能站破坏了康涅狄格河的生态系统,危及鱼类。 Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station disrupts Connecticut River's ecosystem, endangering fish.
约翰·博尔斯认为,诺斯菲尔德的诺斯菲尔德山抽水蓄能站正在导致康涅狄格河缓慢消亡。 John Boles argues that the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station in Northfield is causing the slow death of the Connecticut River. 该站扰乱了河流的自然流动,破坏了其生态系统并危及返回产卵的鱼类。 The station disrupts the natural flow of the river, damaging its ecosystem and endangering fish returning to spawn. 作者声称,在气候变化时代,我们不能继续失去集体天赋,敦促人们大声疾呼并解决这一问题。 The author claims that in the era of climate change, we cannot continue to lose our collective gifts, urging people to speak up and address the issue.