四年过去了,新冠疫情的旗帜不再飘扬。 家人的悲痛依然存在.. Four years in, covid flags no longer fly. Families’ grief remains..
新冠疫情四周年纪念日,家人在华盛顿特区购物中心纪念旗帜。 4-year Covid anniversary sees families remember flags at Washington DC mall. 家人在参观纪念他们的旗帜时,缅怀在大流行期间失去的亲人。 Families remember loved ones lost during pandemic as they visit flags dedicated to them. 玛吉·艾曼·佩雷斯 (Margie Eyman Perez) 的丈夫是一名前军医和新冠患者,于 2020 年去世;尼古拉斯·蒙特马拉诺 (Nicolas Montemarano) 的母亲凯瑟琳·蒙特马拉诺 (Catherine Montemarano) 博士也于 2021 年死于新冠肺炎。 Margie Eyman Perez's husband, a former military physician and Covid patient, passed away in 2020; Nicolas Montemarano's mother, Dr. Catherine Montemarano, also died from Covid in 2021. 这些旗帜是对那些因病毒而丧生的人的纪念和致敬。 The flags serve as a memorial and tribute to those who lost their lives to the virus.