新冠肺炎受害者的亲属恳求将纪念墙永久化。 Relatives of Covid victims plead for memorial wall to be made permanent.
新冠病毒受害者的亲属呼吁将伦敦国家新冠病毒纪念墙永久化,因为他们担心失去政府的认可会威胁到其永久性。 Relatives of Covid victims call for London's National Covid Memorial Wall to be made permanent, fearing loss of government recognition threatens its permanence. 志愿者依靠公众捐款维护公共纪念碑。 Volunteers maintain the public memorial, relying on public donations. 在反思日,心形灯沿着墙壁串起,每个面板上都放着鲜花。 On the Day of Reflection, heart-shaped lights were strung along the wall, and flowers placed at each panel.