“毒品丛林”:我穿越危险的达连峡谷的长途跋涉。 'Narco Jungle': My trek across the dangerous Darien Gap.
2023 年,52 万名移民穿越哥伦比亚和巴拿马之间的达连峡丛林,其中大部分来自委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔和海地,预计今年还会有更多移民。 520,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, Ecuador, and Haiti, crossed the Darien Gap jungle between Colombia and Panama in 2023, with many more expected this year. 这条危险的路线被用作走私毒品和武器的卡特尔管道,已成为人类苦难的中心。 The treacherous route, used as a cartel pipeline for smuggling drugs and weapons, has become a hub for human misery. 一周内,超过 100 名女性报告在旅途中遭到性侵犯;人口贩运和强奸在该地区司空见惯。 In a one-week period, over 100 women reported sexually assaulted during the journey; human trafficking and rape are commonplace in the area.