联合国向哥斯达黎加的移民人口提供支持,重点关注妇女和儿童的健康、住房和卫生。 The UN extends support to migrant populations in Costa Rica, focusing on health, housing, and hygiene for women and children.
联合国正在向哥斯达黎加的移民提供支持,重点关注健康、住房和卫生,同时确保他们获得有尊严的待遇并维护他们的权利。 The UN is extending support to migrant populations in Costa Rica, focusing on health, housing, and hygiene, while ensuring dignified treatment and upholding their rights. 该倡议针对的是妇女和儿童,她们约占过境人口的 20%。 The initiative targets women and children, who make up around 20% of the transiting population. 2023 年,超过 50 万人从巴拿马进入哥斯达黎加,是上一年的两倍多。 In 2023, over half a million people entered Costa Rica from Panama, more than double the previous year. 联合国驻圣何塞团队与合作伙伴一起为超过 84,000 人提供了医疗援助、法律咨询、食品援助、卫生用品包和安全空间护理等支持。 The UN team in San Jose, alongside partners, has supported over 84,000 people with medical assistance, legal advice, food aid, hygiene kits, and safe space care.