法官要求驳回针对特拉华州警察在凯利·鲁克斯枪击事件中过度使用武力的指控。 Judge asked to dismiss excessive force claims against Delaware State Police in Kelly Rooks' fatal shooting.
法官要求驳回针对特拉华州警方关于杀害一名患有精神病的妇女凯莉·鲁克斯(Kelly Rooks)的指控,凯莉·鲁克斯是被警官迪恩·约翰逊枪杀的。 Judge asked to dismiss claims against Delaware State Police over the killing of a mentally ill woman, Kelly Rooks, who was fatally shot by Trooper Dean Johnson. 该诉讼指控过度使用武力、另外两名士兵没有进行干预,以及侵犯了鲁克斯根据《美国残疾人法案》和《联邦康复法案》所享有的权利。 The lawsuit alleges the use of excessive force, failure to intervene by two other troopers, and violations of Rooks' rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the federal Rehabilitation Act. 司法部副部长尼古拉斯·皮科莱利 (Nicholas Picolelli Jr.) 辩称,警方并没有故意歧视鲁克斯,并要求驳回多项指控。 Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Picollelli Jr. argues police did not intentionally discriminate against Rooks and requests the dismissal of several claims.