在一次汉堡货运中发现703公斤海洛因后,土耳其毒品头目在阿尔巴尼亚被捕。 Turkish drug kingpin arrested in Albania after 703 kg of heroin was found in a Hamburg shipment.
一名57岁的土耳其男子在阿尔巴尼亚被捕,此人涉嫌领导一次重大的毒品走私行动。 A 57-year-old Turkish man, suspected of leading a major drug-smuggling operation, was arrested in Albania. 嫌疑人是将大量海洛因运入西欧的网络中的一个关键人物,在2022年在汉堡港从伊朗运来的一批肥皂中发现了703公斤的毒品后,查明了嫌疑人的身份。 The suspect, a key figure in a network bringing large quantities of heroin into Western Europe, was identified after 703 kg of the drug was found hidden in a shipment of soap from Iran at Hamburg port in 2022. 逮捕案是在德国、荷兰和欧洲刑警组织进行调查之后发生的。 The arrest followed an investigation by Germany, the Netherlands, and Europol.