在塞浦路斯帕福斯因企图将大麻偷运到拘留设施而被捕的妇女。 Woman arrested in Paphos, Cyprus for attempting to smuggle cannabis into a detention facility.
在塞浦路斯帕福斯,一名妇女因企图将大麻偷运到一个拘留设施,作为给一名男性被拘留者的食品而被捕。 A woman was arrested in Paphos, Cyprus for attempting to smuggle cannabis into a detention facility in food items for a male detainee. 警方在例行检查期间发现了毒品,指控该妇女持有毒品并打算供应毒品,随后对她和被拘留者都提出了指控。 Police discovered the drugs during a routine inspection, charging the woman with drug possession and intent to supply, and both she and the detainee were subsequently charged. 被拘留者承认要求该妇女给他带大麻。 The detainee admitted to asking the woman to bring him cannabis.