明尼苏达州德卢斯 48 岁的音乐教师约翰·霍格希默 (John Horgeshimer) 因涉嫌在楼梯间不适当地触摸一名学生而被指控犯有性犯罪行为。 48-year-old music teacher John Horgeshimer, in Duluth, MN, is charged with criminal sexual conduct after allegedly inappropriately touching a student in a stairwell.
明尼苏达州德卢斯的一名小学教师因涉嫌将一名学生逼到楼梯间并不适当地触摸她的胸部而被指控犯有两项性犯罪行为。 An elementary school teacher in Duluth, Minnesota, has been charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct after allegedly cornering a student in a stairwell and inappropriately touching her chest area. 48 岁的约翰·霍格希默 (John Horgeshimer) 是罗利爱迪生学院的音乐老师,已被学校安排行政休假。 John Horgeshimer, 48, a music teacher at Raleigh Edison Academy, has been placed on administrative leave by the school. 该学生于 3 月 5 日向学校领导报告此事后提出指控。 The charges were filed after the student reported the incident to school leadership on March 5th.