51岁的得克萨斯州艺术教师Jennifer Massey因与未成年人发生性接触而被捕,被控教育者和学生之间不正当关系,被Comal ISD放假。 51-year-old Texas art teacher Jennifer Massey arrested for sexual contact with minor, charged with improper relationship between educator and student, placed on leave by Comal ISD.
Jennifer Massey, 51岁,得克萨斯达文波特高中艺术教师,10月3日因与一名未成年学生在一个无人居住的房子里发生性关系而被捕。 Jennifer Massey, a 51-year-old art teacher at Davenport High School in Texas, was arrested on October 3 for engaging in sexual contact with a minor student at an unoccupied house. 她面临教育者和学生之间 不正当关系的指控 二级重罪 She faces charges of improper relationship between educator and student, a second-degree felony. comal独立学校区将她放假,谴责她的行为,并在正在进行的调查中与执法部门合作,同时优先考虑学生的安全。 The Comal Independent School District placed her on leave, condemned her actions, and is cooperating with law enforcement in the ongoing investigation while prioritizing student safety.