2026 年世界杯:多伦多城市经理在选择主办城市之前签署了国际足联主办城市附录。 2026 World Cup: Toronto's city manager signed a FIFA host city addendum before selection.
加拿大纳税人联合会根据信息自由获得的文件显示,在国际足联将多伦多列为举办 2026 年世界杯的 16 个城市之一之前,多伦多市经理签署了一份长达 9 页的国际足联主办城市合同附录。 Toronto's city manager signed a nine-page addendum to the FIFA host city contract almost two weeks before FIFA named it one of 16 cities for the 2026 World Cup, according to documents obtained under freedom of information by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. 继去年西雅图市议会和加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市公布合同之后,多伦多市政厅是最新公开文件的市政厅。 Toronto city hall is the latest to open its files, following Seattle city council and Santa Clara, Calif., which released contracts last year. 加拿大纳税人联合会批评了文件中的任何修改,因为这些修改涉及花费纳税人的钱。 The Canadian Taxpayers Federation criticized any redactions in the documents, which involve spending taxpayer money.