19 岁的凯拉·乌里韦 (Kayla Uribe) 和路易斯·罗德里格斯·西格罗 (Luis Rodriguez-Sigero) 在福赛斯县发生的一起涉及吸毒和超速的车祸中丧生。 19-year-olds Kayla Uribe and Luis Rodriguez-Sigero died in a Forsyth County crash involving drug use and speeding.
19 岁的凯拉·乌里韦 (Kayla Uribe) 和路易斯·罗德里格斯·西格罗 (Luis Rodriguez-Sigero) 在福赛斯县的一场车祸中丧生,当局表示,超速和吸毒导致了这起致命事故。 19-year-olds Kayla Uribe and Luis Rodriguez-Sigero were killed in a Forsyth County crash, with authorities stating that speed and drug use contributed to the fatal accident. 唯一的幸存者被指控吸毒后驾车,但目前尚未确定谁是过错者。 The lone survivor was accused of driving while impaired by drugs, but it is yet to be determined who was at fault. 两名司机的车辆在 20 号高速公路上相撞时都超速行驶,当时两条车道合二为一。 Both drivers were speeding when their vehicles collided on Ga. 20 where two lanes merged into one.