马科斯·科罗纳-瓦尔加斯(Marcos Corona-Vargas)的 " 圣诞前夕酒后驾车 " 撞车造成乘客死亡,另一人受伤。 Christmas Eve DUI crash by Marcos Corona-Vargas kills passenger, injures another.
在圣诞节前夕,来自环湖海滩的31岁的Marcos Corona-Vargas在受影响驾车后撞到家中,造成一名22岁的乘客死亡,另一人重伤。 On Christmas Eve, Marcos Corona-Vargas, a 31-year-old from Round Lake Beach, crashed his vehicle into a home after driving under the influence, killing a 22-year-old passenger and seriously injuring another. Corona-Vargas也因重伤住院,被控犯有鲁莽杀人罪和酒后驾车罪。 Corona-Vargas, who was also hospitalized with serious injuries, has been charged with reckless homicide and DUI. 湖郡治安官办公室正在调查坠机事件 并计划对死亡乘客进行尸检 The Lake County Sheriff's Office is investigating the crash, and an autopsy on the deceased passenger is scheduled.