阿富汗兴都库什地区发生5.3级地震,附近城市有震感;没有人员伤亡或损坏的报告。 5.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan's Hindu Kush region, felt in nearby cities; no casualties or damage reported.
阿富汗周三发生里氏5.3级地震,伊斯兰堡、拉瓦尔品第、白沙瓦及其毗邻地区等多个地区有震感。 An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 struck Afghanistan on Wednesday, with tremors felt in several parts of the country including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, and their adjoining areas. 据地震中心称,此次地震震中位于阿富汗兴都库什地区,震源深度130公里。 The epicentre of the earthquake was the Hindu Kush region in Afghanistan, at a depth of 130 kilometres, according to the seismic centre. 到目前为止,尚未收到人员伤亡或财产损失的报告。 No reports of casualties or damage to property have been reported so far.