华尔街等待重要的通胀数据;比特币创下历史新高。 Wall Street awaits crucial inflation data; Bitcoin hits a new all-time high.
在美联储做出决定之前,华尔街正在等待关键的通胀数据,标准普尔 500 指数显示出过热和潜在近期盘整的迹象。 Wall Street awaits crucial inflation data before the Federal Reserve's decision, with the S&P 500 showing signs of overheating and potential near-term consolidation. 比特币创下历史新高,而黄金则在每盎司 2,180 美元附近盘整。 Bitcoin hits a new all-time high, while gold consolidates around $2,180 an ounce. 美元的下跌可归因于美联储的鸽派立场和降息预期。 The US dollar's decline can be attributed to the Federal Reserve's dovish stance and expectations of rate cuts. 与此同时,比特币飙升至历史新高,表明投资者对加密货币作为传统投资的可行替代品的兴趣日益浓厚。 Meanwhile, Bitcoin's surge to a new record high demonstrates growing investor interest in cryptocurrencies as a viable alternative to traditional investments. 在美联储 3 月 20 日政策会议之前,即将发布的消费者价格指数报告至关重要;通胀的任何意外上升都可能扰乱人们对美联储潜在政策转变的乐观情绪。 The upcoming Consumer Price Index report will be vital before the Federal Reserve's March 20 policy meeting; any surprising increase in inflation may disrupt optimism surrounding potential Fed policy shifts.