阿拉斯加航空 1282 航班在 1 月 5 日飞行期间遭遇门塞爆裂,原定于当晚进行维修。 Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 experienced a door plug blowout during a flight on January 5 and was scheduled for maintenance the same night.
阿拉斯加航空 1282 号航班于 1 月 5 日在飞行过程中遭遇门塞爆裂,该航空公司表示,该航班原定于事发当晚进行维护。 Alaska Airlines Flight 1282, which experienced a door plug blowout during a flight on January 5, was scheduled for maintenance the night of the incident, according to the airline. 工程师和技术人员在一天前对飞机的状况表示了担忧,但飞机在受到一些限制的情况下继续运行。 Engineers and technicians had expressed concerns about the plane's condition a day before, but it continued to operate with some restrictions. 这架飞机在完成预定航班后接受了维护检查。 The plane underwent the maintenance check after completing its scheduled flights.