美国联邦航空局 (FAA) 对波音 737 Max 事故展开调查。 The FAA initiates an investigation into the Boeing 737 Max accident.
美国联邦航空管理局正在调查波音公司未能确保上周一架喷气式客机在飞行途中被炸毁的面板的安全性。 The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating Boeing's failure to ensure the safety of a panel that blew off a jetliner in midflight last week. 波音公司已同意配合调查,调查重点是用于填补波音 737 Max 9 喷气式客机额外舱门位置的插头。 Boeing has agreed to cooperate with the investigation, which focuses on plugs used to fill extra door spots on Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliners. 美国联邦航空局旨在确保波音公司的制造实践符合高安全标准。 The FAA aims to ensure Boeing's manufacturing practices comply with high safety standards.