阿拉斯加航空公司的航班因螺栓缺失而在空中发生面板爆裂。 Alaska Airlines flight experienced mid-air panel blowout due to missing bolts.
根据美国国家运输安全委员会 (NTSB) 的初步报告,阿拉斯加航空公司的一架航班由于缺少关键螺栓而在空中发生面板爆裂。 An Alaska Airlines flight experienced a mid-air panel blowout due to the absence of key bolts, as per the National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) preliminary report. 缺失的螺栓将门塞固定到位,导致面板在飞行过程中断裂。 The missing bolts held a door plug in place, which led to the panel breaking off during the flight. 安全专家强调,如果事件发生在更高的海拔,则可能会造成更大的灾难性后果,并可能造成致命的后果。 Safety experts have highlighted that if the incident had occurred at a higher altitude, it could have been more catastrophic with potentially fatal consequences.