5 名妇女因盗窃 Lululemon 价值 13,000 美元而被捕,这是密歇根州价值 125,000 美元的犯罪团伙的一部分。 5 women arrested for $13,000 Lululemon theft, part of $125,000 crime ring in Michigan.
5 名妇女因涉嫌从底特律都会区多家 Lululemon 商店盗窃而被捕,已追回价值约 13,000 美元的被盗衣物。 5 women have been arrested for alleged thefts from multiple Lululemon stores in Metro Detroit, with approximately $13,000 worth of stolen clothing recovered. 密歇根州警方认为,这些女性参与了一个零售诈骗犯罪团伙,涉案金额超过 125,000 美元。 Michigan State Police believe the women are involved in a crime ring responsible for retail fraud totaling over $125,000. 调查仍在进行中,当局强调大规模零售盗窃所带来的潜在危险和成本增加。 The investigation is ongoing, as authorities emphasize the potential dangers and increased costs associated with large-scale retail theft.