美国军方从海地撤离非必要的使馆工作人员。 US military evacuates non-essential embassy staff from Haiti.
由于海地帮派暴力事件日益增多,美国军方已从海地撤离了非必要的使馆工作人员。 The US military has evacuated non-essential embassy staff from Haiti amid increasing gang violence in the country. 此次行动是根据国务院的要求进行的,旨在使使馆的任务行动能够继续进行。 The operation follows a request from the State Department and aims to enable the embassy's mission operations to continue. 最近几天,海地局势恶化,犯罪团伙纵火焚烧内政部并袭击首都太子港的政府办公室。 The situation in Haiti has deteriorated in recent days, with gangs setting the Interior Ministry ablaze and attacking government offices in the capital, Port-au-Prince.