NZNO 警告说,如果没有文化安全、本地培养的护理队伍,健康目标就无法实现,理由是资金不足和人员不足。 NZNO warns unattainable health targets without a culturally safe, locally grown nursing workforce, citing underfunding and understaffing.
新西兰护士组织 (NZNO) 警告说,如果没有文化安全、本地培养的护理队伍,政府的健康目标将无法实现。 The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) warns that the government's health targets will remain unattainable without a culturally safe, locally grown nursing workforce. NZNO 指出,资金不足和人手不足的医疗保健系统导致护士流失,并呼吁采取行动吸引更多毛利人和太平洋岛民参加护理研究,并实现薪酬公平和对护理学生的支持。 The NZNO cites the underfunded and understaffed healthcare system as driving nurses away, and calls for action to attract more Māori and Pacific people to nursing studies, along with pay equity and support for nursing students.