国家警察联合会敦促联邦政府指派加拿大皇家骑警作为国会山的警察部队,以加强安全。 The National Police Federation urges the federal government to assign RCMP as Parliament Hill's police force for enhanced security.
国家警察联合会敦促联邦政府让加拿大皇家骑警成为加拿大国会山管辖区的警察部队,以加强安全。 The National Police Federation is urging the federal government to make the RCMP the police force of jurisdiction for Parliament Hill in Canada to enhance security. 在此呼吁之前,政府在 2022 年初使用《紧急状态法》平息抗议活动后,对公共秩序紧急委员会的建议做出了回应。 The call follows the government's response to the Public Order Emergency Commission's recommendations after the use of the Emergencies Act to quell protests in early 2022. 联邦政府表示,一个工作组正在研究议会辖区特有的治安问题。 The federal government says a working group is examining policing issues unique to the parliamentary precinct.