德文郡和萨默塞特海岸发现了世界上最古老的树木化石。 World’s oldest fossilised trees discovered along Devon and Somerset coast.
研究人员在英格兰西南部德文郡和萨默塞特海岸的高砂岩悬崖上发现了世界上最古老的化石森林,其历史可以追溯到大约 419-3.58 亿年前。 Researchers have discovered the world's oldest fossil forest, dating back to around 419-358 million years ago, in the high sandstone cliffs along the Devon and Somerset coast in southwest England. 这些棕榈树化石是在迈恩黑德附近的 Hangman 砂岩地层中发现的,属于泥盆纪时期,当时海洋动物开始多样化,种子植物首次出现。 These palm-like fossilized trees, found in the Hangman Sandstone Formation near Minehead, belonged to the Devonian period when marine animals began to diversify and seed-bearing plants first appeared. 在那段时期,古老的森林可能有助于稳定河岸和海岸线。 The ancient forest may have helped stabilize riverbanks and coastlines during that time.