科学家发现了英国最大的恐龙轨迹 揭示了对中侏罗纪时期生物的洞察力 Scientists uncover UK's largest dinosaur trackway, offering insights into Middle Jurassic period creatures.
科学家发现了他们认为是 英国最大的恐龙足迹轨道 追溯到中侏罗纪时期 Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the UK's largest trackway of dinosaur footprints dating back to the Middle Jurassic period. 这些最近发现的轨迹 提供了对恐龙行为和运动的新的洞察力 来自1.6亿年前的恐龙 The tracks, found recently, offer new insights into the behavior and movement of dinosaurs from over 160 million years ago. 目前正在开展保护工作,以保护这一重要发现,这些发现可以提供有关那个时代恐龙生命的宝贵资料。 Conservation efforts are underway to protect this significant find, which could provide valuable information about dinosaur life during that era.