科学家首次发现南极洲的琥珀, 表明该大陆在9千万年前就有森林。 Scientists discover first-ever amber in Antarctica, suggesting the continent had forests 90 million years ago.
科学家们在南极洲发现了第一只琥珀, 表明该大陆在9千万年前就有森林了。 Scientists have found the first-ever amber in Antarctica, indicating the continent had forests 90 million years ago. 在阿蒙森海的沉积岩芯中发现的琥珀提供了对南极附近白鲸森林的深入了解。 The amber, discovered in a sediment core from the Amundsen Sea, offers insights into the Cretaceous forests near the South Pole. 发现南极洲气候更暖和, 支持树脂生产树木, 并可能揭示更多古代生态系统。 The discovery suggests Antarctica's climate was much warmer, supporting resin-producing trees and potentially revealing more about ancient ecosystems. Alfred Wegener研究所和TU Bergakadamie Freiberg的研究小组在南极科学中发表了研究结果。 The research team from the Alfred Wegener Institute and TU Bergakademie Freiberg published their findings in Antarctic Science.