英国财政大臣杰里米·亨特 (Jeremy Hunt) 为财政目标留出了 89 亿英镑(113 亿美元)的余地。 UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt leaves £8.9bn ($11.3bn) leeway for fiscal targets, per OBR.
据预算责任办公室 (OBR) 称,英国财政大臣杰里米·亨特为自己和继任者留下了 89 亿英镑(113 亿美元)的“历史上适度”的余地,以实现自我设定的财政目标。 UK's Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has left himself and his successors a "historically modest" leeway of £8.9bn ($11.3bn) to meet self-imposed fiscal targets, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). OBR 表示,亨特的预算“仅足以满足我们中央预测中政府的财政规则,2028-29 年基础债务占 GDP 的比例将下降”。 The OBR said that Hunt's budget has "just enough to meet the government's fiscal rules on our central forecast with underlying debt falling as a share of GDP in 2028-29". OBR 补充说,与风险相比,这一利润很小。 This margin is small compared to the risks, the OBR added.