总检察长加兰承诺反对选民身份法和选举诚信措施。 Attorney General Garland pledges to fight voter ID laws, election integrity measures.
司法部长梅里克·加兰 (Merrick Garland) 和副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 访问阿拉巴马州塞尔玛,纪念 1965 年血腥星期日事件 59 周年。 Attorney General Merrick Garland and Vice President Kamala Harris visited Selma, Alabama, marking the 59th anniversary of the 1965 Bloody Sunday event. 在一次教堂仪式上,加兰承诺反对选民身份法和其他选举诚信措施,他认为这些措施具有歧视性、繁琐且不必要,并表示最高法院和下级法院自 2006 年以来的裁决削弱了 1965 年的《投票权法》。 At a church service, Garland pledged to fight voter ID laws and other election integrity measures that he deemed discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary, stating that decisions by the Supreme Court and lower courts since 2006 have weakened the Voting Rights Act of 1965.