阿拉巴马州第二国会选区对民主党人来说具有竞争力,可能占据两个席位,这得益于副总统哈里斯在选票上的存在。 2nd Congressional District of Alabama becomes competitive for Democrats, potentially holding two seats, bolstered by VP Harris' presence on the ticket.
在民主党全国代表大会上,阿拉巴马州的第二国会选区现在有利于民主党,有机会首次占据两个国会席位。 At the Democratic National Convention, Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, now favoring Democrats, has a chance to hold two Congressional seats for the first time. 副总统卡马拉·哈里斯出现在票上,被视为有助于即将举行的选举,因为阿拉巴马州第二国会区在民权运动中占有重要地位。 Vice President Kamala Harris' presence on the ticket is seen as helpful in the upcoming election, as Alabama's 2nd Congressional District is significant in the civil rights movement. 与此同时,阿拉巴马州总检察长史蒂夫·马歇尔 暂时关闭了塞尔玛的五个非法赌博设施 Meanwhile, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has temporarily shut down five illegal gambling facilities in Selma.