缅因州立法机构对加拿大关于新不伦瑞克省军事基地使用橙剂的研究提出质疑,并呼吁进行新的调查。 Maine's state legislature questions a Canadian study on Agent Orange use at a New Brunswick military base and calls for a new investigation.
缅因州立法机构对加拿大的一项研究提出质疑,声称该研究存在缺陷。 Maine's state legislature questions a Canadian study, claiming it's flawed. 该研究调查了 20 世纪 60 年代新不伦瑞克省军事基地使用除草剂(包括橙剂)的情况。 The study investigated the use of herbicides, including Agent Orange, at a New Brunswick military base in the 1960s. 缅因州立法委员会呼吁进行新的调查,并指出需要重新评估健康问题与加拿大盖奇敦基地使用橙剂之间的潜在联系。 Maine's legislative commission called for a new investigation, stating that the potential links between health problems and Agent Orange use at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown need to be re-evaluated. 一项新的调查可能会帮助在该基地工作的美国退伍军人获得医疗服务。 A new investigation could potentially help US veterans who worked at the base access medical care.