欧盟因苹果不公平地推广 Apple Music、限制 Spotify 等竞争服务而对苹果罚款 18 亿欧元。 EU fines Apple €1.8bn for unfairly promoting Apple Music, restricting competing services like Spotify.
欧盟 (EU) 对苹果公司处以 18 亿欧元(20 亿美元)的罚款,原因是苹果公司阻止 Spotify 等竞争对手向用户通报 iPhone 应用程序之外更便宜的订阅选项,从而不公平地偏袒自己的 Apple Music 服务。 The European Union (EU) has fined Apple €1.8bn ($2bn) for unfairly favouring its own Apple Music service by preventing rival services like Spotify from informing users about cheaper subscription options outside of iPhone apps. 欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特·维斯塔格表示,这一行动导致数百万欧洲消费者无法自由选择购买音乐流媒体订阅的方式、地点和价格。 The EU's Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, stated that this action led to millions of European consumers being unable to make free choices on how, where, and at what price they purchased music streaming subscriptions.