库马西的出租车司机塞缪尔·尼亚梅基 (Samuel Nyamekye) 在受到枪口威胁后,他新买的车被武装劫匪夺走了。 Taxi driver Samuel Nyamekye in Kumasi lost his newly-purchased car to armed robbers after being threatened at gunpoint.
库马西的出租车司机塞缪尔·尼亚梅基 (Samuel Nyamekye) 在购买新车两天后就被武装劫匪夺走。 Taxi driver Samuel Nyamekye in Kumasi lost his newly-purchased car to armed robbers just two days after buying it. 尼亚梅基受一名乘客雇佣,遭到枪口威胁,并在路边受伤,劫匪开着他的车扬长而去。 Hired by a passenger, Nyamekye was threatened at gunpoint and left injured on the roadside while the robbers sped away with his car. 尽管报告了这一事件,但当地警方缺乏追捕嫌疑人的资源。 Despite reporting the incident, local police lack resources to pursue the suspects. 尼亚梅基呼吁公众支持找回他的车辆。 Nyamekye is appealing for public support to recover his vehicle.