一名陌生人帮助他把车从圣路易斯的雪中解救出来后,有人持枪抢劫他的车钥匙。 Man robbed at gunpoint for his car keys after a stranger helped free his car from snow in St. Louis.
在圣路易斯事件令人震惊的转折中,一名男子被帮助将他的汽车从雪堆中解救出来,但帮助者后来用枪将他抢劫。 In a shocking turn of events in St. Louis, a man was helped to free his car from a snow pile only for the helper to later rob him at gunpoint. 事件发生在Parc Frontenac公寓车库,陌生人要求受害人的车钥匙,但没有拿走车。 The incident happened at the Parc Frontenac apartment garage where the stranger demanded the victim's car keys but did not take the car. 警方正在寻找嫌疑人,受害者感到事件震撼,向当局报告事件。 Police are searching for the suspect, and the victim, who felt shaken by the event, reported the incident to authorities.