扎波罗热地区寻求投资者资金重建基础设施。 Zaporizhzhia region seeks investor funds to rebuild infrastructure.
扎波罗热地区计划吸引投资者资金重建基础设施,实现医疗、教育机构现代化,并在最近的俄罗斯袭击后建设安全学校。 Zaporizhzhia region plans to attract investor funds to rebuild infrastructure and modernize medical, educational institutions, and build safe schools after recent Russian attacks. 扎波罗热地区军事管理局局长伊万·费多罗夫旨在让合作伙伴参与和平需求,并强调国内流离失所者 (IDP) 的住房需求。 Ivan Fedorov, the head of Zaporizhzhia's regional military administration, aims to involve partners for peaceful needs and emphasize the need for housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs).