阿塞拜疆在土耳其为地震失所家庭建造了100万澳元的邻里。 Azerbaijan finishes $100M neighborhood in Turkey for earthquake-displaced families.
阿塞拜疆准备在土耳其的Kahramanmaraş完成一个1亿美元的小区, Azerbaijan is set to complete a $100 million neighborhood in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, to help earthquake-displaced residents. “阿塞拜疆邻里”将包括住房、学校、幼儿园和文化中心。 The "Azerbaijan Neighborhood" will include housing, a school, kindergarten, and cultural center. 州长Mükerrem ünlüer宣布该项目即将竣工, Governor Mükerrem Ünlüer announced the project's nearing completion, with an official opening expected within 1-2 months. 这项倡议体现了阿塞拜疆和土耳其之间的牢固友谊与合作。 This initiative reflects the strong friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey.