炸弹恐慌迫使津巴布韦总统中止着陆。 Bomb Scare Forces Zimbabwe's President to Abort Landing.
由于通过电子邮件收到炸弹威胁,津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加古瓦中止了在维多利亚瀑布机场的降落。 Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa aborted a landing at Victoria Falls airport due to a bomb threat received via email. 该市正在主办一场国际会议,姆南加古瓦因调查而被暂停出席。 The city, hosting an international conference, saw Mnangagwa's attendance suspended for investigations. 当局加强了安全戒备,并正在检查炸弹威胁的来源和可信度。 Authorities have increased security alert and are examining the bomb threat's source and credibility. 这个受欢迎的旅游目的地继续其活动,未受影响。 The popular tourist destination has continued its activities unaffected.